Founder and Trustee
Being a Visionary and with an epitome of confidence, the Founder set an Industry of Education. Physiotherapy college is another feather in the cap of success for the Trust to build an institution of par excellence in formal professional education for the ones who desire to climb the ladder of Health care in the field of Physiotherapy. Mrs. Margaret Ramu, an educationist, founded the stone of the physiotherapy college and its rolling began in 2015 with all the efforts of Professional guidance and devotion of young Physiotherapists. She has been a pillar of strength for the all the desirous candidates in the meadow of Education and is always looked upon as a torch bearer to guide and bless the aspirants. Her visualization techniques to manifest desired Outcomes have been used by the followers since decades. In fact, we all have the awesome power, but most of us have never been taught to use it effectively. This is brought to scale and realization by her immense personal love, affection and her care to help us to reach all the desired goals. The daily practice can rapidly accelerate the sense of achievement of those dreams and ambitions if they are nurtured with a systematic scientific approach. With this guidance and motivational techniques, modern technology and updated equipments, the height of success is achieved.
Mrs. Ramu Margaret
Founder and Trustee